Shannon Gallagher

Instagram: 5XCeramics

Shannon is a ceramic artist, mother, advocate and teacher. Shannon earned her BFA in Ceramics from Massachusetts College of Art.   She makes functional ceramic pieces embellished with patterns and drawings.  Shannon connects with each piece by drawing directly on the surface creating  one of a kind utilitarian art.  She primarily  uses mishima and sgraffito techniques on wheel thrown and hand built pots.  Shannon is captivated by the process of transforming a humble lump of clay in to something beautiful. Function is a grounding force in her ceramic work and she finds the parameters set forth by the objects function inspiring. Clay pots have context, history and human connection, all of which resonate with Shannon as an artist. 

Shannon has almost ten years  experience teaching art to children.  She recently began teaching adults and is enjoying it very much. Through teaching she finds herself learning more about the endless possibilities of clay.  

Shannon is mother to three children, a daughter and two sons. Her daughter  has Down syndrome. Since her birth Shannon has been exploring ways to make space for neuro-diverse  artists in her teaching practice.  Inclusion is a personal passion of hers and an ideal she strives for.